ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

To Review and Accept or Reject RFI Responses (portal)

  1. Go to the Outgoing tab.
  2. Open an RFI that has responses.

    The RFI opens to the Question tab.

  3. Either select the Response tab, or click the Review response button which then opens the Response tab.

    In the Details section, if you and the responder both filled out an impact assessment, you can compare the difference between your suggested impact assessment and the responder's final impact assessment by clicking View changes (to hide it again click Hide changes).

  4. Either accept or reject the response as needed.

    To accept the response:

    1. At the bottom of the Response tab, click Accept response.

      The Accept response window opens.

    2. (Optional) Enter a message to send to all responders.
    3. Click Accept.

      Once you accept the response, the RFI is closed.

    To reject the response:

    1. At the bottom of the Response tab, click Reject.

      The Reject response window opens.

    2. (Optional) Enter your reason for rejecting the response.
    3. Click Reject.

    When an RFI response is rejected, a new response cycle begins, and the original RFI recipient has another chance to respond to the RFI. The original response is recorded under response Cycle 1, and followup response will be recorded under response Cycle 2, and so on until the RFI response is finally accepted.

    Note: If you reject a response and the portal setting Reset response due date when RFI response is rejected is on, a new due date is automatically set for the new response cycle (if the original response was due 7 days after the RFI was sent, then the follow-up response will be due 7 days after the original response was rejected). If this portal setting is off, then the original due date remains in effect for the new response cycle (meaning that the RFI recipient is still expected to send their follow-up response by the original due date). See Configuring Default 'Due Date' Settings for Acknowledgements and Responses.

    This is what the Response tab looks like for the recipient of the RFI, after the original response was rejected, but before the recipient sends their followup response.